Incredibles 2 2018
Incredibles 2 2018
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Telecommunications guru Winston Deavor enlists Elastigirl to fight crime and make the public fall in love with superheroes once again. That leaves Mr. Incredible with one of his greatest challenges ever - staying home and taking care of three rambunctious children. As Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack offer him a new set of headaches, a cybercriminal named Screenslaver launches his dastardly plan - hypnotizing the world through computer screens.
- Time: 118 minutes
- Director: Brad Bird
- Country: United States
- Genre: Action , Adventure , Anime , Can't Miss , Cartoon
- Release: 2018
- IMDB: 7.6/10
- Actor: Craig T. Nelson , Holly Hunter , Sarah Vowell , Huck Milner , Catherine Keener
- Tag: Incredibles , Disney