Spider-man: into the spider-verse 2018 4k quality
Spider-man: into the spider-verse 2018 4k quality
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Bitten by a radioactive spider in the subway, Brooklyn teenager Miles Morales suddenly develops mysterious powers that transform him into the one and only Spider-Man. When he meets Peter Parker, he soon realizes that there are many others who share his special, high-flying talents. Miles must now use his newfound skills to battle the evil Kingpin, a hulking madman who can open portals to other universes and pull different versions of Spider-Man into our world.
- Time: 117 minutes
- Director: Bob Persichetti , Peter Ramsey , Rodney Rothman
- Country: United States
- Genre: Action , Adventure , Anime , Can't Miss , Cartoon , Super hero
- Release: 2018
- IMDB: 8.4/10
- Actor: Shameik Moore , Jake Johnson , Hailee Steinfeld , Mahershala Ali , Brian Tyree Henry , Lily Tomlin , Zoë Kravitz
- Tag: Spiderman , Avengers , Marvel